I say fireworks, but really this is an unjust description of the mind numbing explosions - which can only be described as automatic-machine-gun-esque eruptions (they call them fire crackers), quickly followed by small bombs, often in the form of something similar to a flash-bang grenade on steroids, maliciously cavitating across the night sky, destroying the ear drums of the denizens of Qufu without prejudice - that have become a tri-weekly/quad-weekly/nightly occurrence here in the city. Fun for the whole family, I promise.
In the U.S., large fireworks are often known as "mortar shells." A description that I always thought made sense - a loud thud as the firework leaves the tube in a smoking display of chest-vibrating awesomeness, quickly followed by the brilliant and colorful explosions we all so dearly know and love. I always thought the description accurate, but of course not exact - a real mortar causes way more dismemberment and has only about half the cool colors... it would be a ripoff. I mean let's be honest, who in their right mind would actually use MORTARS to launch fireworks?
Sorry if this week was more rant than picture, but it had to be said. Have a great week everyone!
OMG, I thought you were referencing your earlier peroration on mortar fired fireworks when you asked me last night if I'd seen this. I swear, you are waxing more lyrical by the week! Must submit blog portions to publication! More and more hysterical!
Wow! Hey, Christmas is just around the corner too!.... how about makin' the ol' man smile with his own, really cool, mortar tube for next 4th of july.... I'm sure if you leave leave the red ribbon on it, it would breeze right through customs..
"I'm gettin' married in the mornin', ding dong the bells are...KABOOOMM!!"
Well, so much for that song.
dude i am catching up on my itouch in a parking garage while Zoe naps this is awesome keep it coming!
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